This is pretty much it...didn't present today but will debut this at full size about 20x20 inches) next Tues. Coloring is hard and takes forever! I think the narrative suffered with the loss of color on most of the frames-- Heath was supposed to be introduced visually in the second frame and identified throughout by his strong red color. Oh well. The next project is a full-on stone and wood fantasy ax, no holds barred as long as its made of natural materials, and we can use power tools to make it. It'll be a four-week project. By the way, I TOTALLY killed in the real life cutting competition, demolishing the piece of pine in 4 mins 10 one else finished, and the event was ended after 9 minutes. Comments welcomed!

Not surprised that you won the pine-cutting contest.
But great great coloring in the first pane!!! Eye line is strong and it has a distinct and pleasing style.
Hang on, I will respond with action!
What does the symbol mean?
Fantastic work!
the symbol is the sign of the cave family. Its supposed to imply some sort of vague relationship with alien life forms that these cavemen had years ago. oooh...mysterious....
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