Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A couple of brush tests


Dimitri said...

Really nice edge quality and color blending on the head..very ghostly and goya-esque. Love the brown area around the eye bleeding into the base flesh tone. The head is a cool blend of pleasing designey shapes AND real skull structure. clear volumes, clear design. the extremities look more shape oriented than the eye-socket cheekbone areas to me, less modeled. The forehead look very finely modeled, nice effect. the greens create a sophisticated look in the flesh, but aren't greens and blues normally more concentrated in shadow areas on the head? Iguess thinking about it that way is formulaic.

is this the same brush shape for everything? It seems versatile, good for realism and more designey things like the green guys. I'd like to see the BG a little more distant from the head in some way. Maybe different hues...the general light/dark range is, interesting exploration here, many merits.

The green guys are fun! I can see them individually as little 5x7 cards.

Is this this a brush you're testing for your current project?

David said...

Nice sleuth work. I used one color, one brush size, and one layer per image, so all of the weird tweaky hues that result are accidents of the blending algorithm in TVPaint. The greens and blues are indeed out of place on an upward facing plane.
And since each image is only one layer, the top head is smeared right into the background, inadvertently flattening the image.

Yes, I am considering using this brush to do some (or most?) of the character animation for the thesis.